Run this Powershell command below to delete the timer job that seems to do nothing / is not progressing.
$jobNameToDelete = 'StoragePoint_Externalization_manual'
$jobToDelete = Get-SPTimerJob | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $jobNameToDelete }
if ($jobToDelete) {
Write-Host ("Job with internal name: '{0}' has been deleted." -f $jobNameToDelete) -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host ("Job with internal name: '{0}' has NOT been found." -f $jobNameToDelete) -ForegroundColor Red
$jobs = Get-SPTimerJob | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "StoragePoint_*" } | Select Name, Schedule, Status
$jobs | ft -AutoSize
- PowerShell example above uses web application scoped externalization job. Other StoragePoint timer jobs or externalization job for content database scoped profile will have different job (static/internal) name. If needed, please approach Support team for the other Powershell.
- Before timer job (definition) deletion always review the latest job heartbeat (on StoragePoint job state web page click on job type name). If heartbeat is very old (weeks), the jobs could be considered as "frozen" (not working properly).
- Powershell script will not remove the record from StoragePoint job status web page.