User runs a query and clicks the Export Data toolbar icon. User chooses "Delimited Text", Clipboard, leaves all columns checked and Rows set to All, clicks Options, selects Delimiter <Tab>, Quote character <none>, and finally checks "Put column names on first line". User clicks OK to do the export.
When user pasts the clipboard all he gets is column names on the first line and only the first two column values. (There was only one row in my query results).
For example:
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 ...
val1 val2 (and nothing else)
Also, exporting multiple rows with All Rows selected in the export window, and only one row would be exported.
The setting of the Quote character.
Leave the "Quote character" on its default setting of "Quote" and when pasting the data into Excel, it removes the quotes automatically.
Waiting for fix in a future version of SQL Navigator for Oracle.
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