During the installation process of the Repository for Performance Analysis for SQL Server 6.0 the following error may appear:
'Insufficient system memory to run this query'
The target SQL Server instance RAM may be too low.
Please refer to the Microsoft website to address this issue.
Microsoft has released a hotfix for SQL Server 2005 only. Please use caution and due diligence when applying any fixes to your server. Please contact a certified Microsoft support representative to make sure this fix is appropriate for your environment.
Also is the following article to increase SQL Server memory. Please use caution and due diligence when applying any changes to your server. Please contact a certified Microsoft support representative to make sure these changes are appropriate for your environment.
The memory requirements for the set of tasks Microsoft SQL Server is attempting to perform exceeds the amount of available memory.
To increase server memory:
Check the settings for both min server memory (MB) and max server memory (MB).
If max server memory (MB) is a value close to the value of min server memory (MB), then increase the max server memory (MB) value.
Check the size of the virtual memory paging file.
If possible, increase the size of the file.
Shut down any other applications running, if applicable, on the server.
View the current memory usage information in Windows NT Performance Monitor.
To view current memory usage information in preparation for tuning memory configuration, use the Total Server Memory (KB) Performance Monitor Counter of the SQLServer:General Statistics object.
Add additional memory to the server.
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