The EWMProf log indicates that:
You see Various Connection Errors Logging on to the Mailbox and Public and Private Stores as Below:
MAPI error.
Error code: 0x8004011c
Extended error description:
Component: Banque d'informations de Microsoft Exchange
Error description: Votre profil n'est pas configuré.
Context: 1313
Low level: 2147746076
Function Address: 004b704a
Function Address: 004b6980
Function Address: 00578b7a
Function Address: 00579780
Function Address: 0057a55a
Function Address: 00562c9d
Function Address: 00445ed5
Function Address: 004460ca
Function Address: 004594c6
Function Address: 00457eb6
Function Address: 004234e8
Function Address: 0042375c
Function Address: 005a614a
Function Name: BaseThreadInitThunk
Function Name: RtlInitializeExceptionChain
Function Name: RtlInitializeExceptionChain
2011-03-17 17:49:42 SM [Warning] Cannot update the 'E-mail Accounts' properties.
MAPI error.
Error code: 0x8004010f
Description: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND
Function Address: 005797f0
Function Address: 0057a55a
Function Address: 00562c9d
Function Address: 00445ed5
Function Address: 004460ca
Function Address: 004594c6
Function Address: 00457eb6
Function Address: 004234e8
Function Address: 0042375c
Function Address: 005a614a
Function Name: BaseThreadInitThu