While trying to access the Windows Mobile reports you get the following error:
Unexpected error while attempting to read from the database.
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'V_WM_DeviceHistory', database 'MessageStats', schema 'dbo'.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS [_Count] FROM (SELECT DisplayName, Organization, MailboxEmail, StoreDN, FirstSyncDay, ServerCN, MailboxDN, DeviceID, LastPolicyUpdateTime, DeviceType, DeviceIMEI, LastGatheringTime, [Identity], DevicePhoneNumber, DeviceOSLanguage, DeviceOS,DeviceFriendlyName,DeviceModel,DeviceWipeAckTime,
DeviceWipeRequestTime, DeviceWipeSentTime, DeviceUserAgent, LastSuccessSync, FirstSyncDay as AggregateDay, FirstSyncTime, DeletionTime, DeletionDay, ActiveSyncServerDN,
-- New Mailbox attributes
Container, Alias, AssociatedNTAccountType, CreationDate, LastLogonDate, Hidden, X400Address, NTAccountDomainVersion,
-- T_MailboxesUserInfo attributes
Department, Company, Office, Assistant, Phone, Address, City, State, Code, Country, LastName, FirstName, Initials, FaxNumber, PagerNumber, MobilePhoneNumber, HomePhoneNumber, ManagerDN, SimpleDisplayName, HomePage, Info, Comment, ForwardingAddress, Division,
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