Review the steps to create the monitoring user on the Sybase SAP ASE host as detailed in the Sybase SAP ASE cartridge user guide. summary
1). Create a Foglight login account in the Sybase database. For example, svcfgadmin
sp_addlogin 'svcfgadmin' , 'foglight' , sybsystemprocs
go2).Grant the mon_role role to the account
grant role mon_role to svcfgadmin
go3). Run the rapsAdmin.sql script as the sa user.
4). Run the sp_fgl_adduser procedure as the sa user. For example:
sp_fgl_adduser 'svcfgadmin' , 'foglightGroup'
goThe above command creates a group named foglightGroup and a user named svcfgadmin in each database, and in the sybsystemprocs database, it grants the permission for creating procedures to that user account.
5). Restart the agent
If there are any errors in the log file, then stop the agent and delete the fgl_ tables from the temp database manually in case the tables have been created with the wrong schema
drop table fgl_blocker_SQLText
drop table fgl_missed_SQLTest
drop table fgl_processes
drop table fgl_sy2_deltatable
drop table fgl_waitinfo
goThen restart the agent again