What is the process of installing agents on the source or target Agent hosts manually?
In some situations agents installation from the QMM console fails and manual steps may help. Please refer to the resolution section for more details.
Important: These steps are for agents install on NON-clustered Exchange server. Official product documentation also contains detailed instructions on how to preinstall QMM migration agents on Exchange servers, including SCC and CCR cluster scenarios. Please refer to "Pre-installing the Agents" section of QMM for Exchange User Guide PDF document provided under Documentation folder with QMM installation files.
NOTE: Installing agents on clustered servers is no longer supported. It is necessary to use Agent host servers.
1. Run MakePack.cmd from the Migration Manager for Exchange installation folder (C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Migration Manager\Exchange Data). By default the installation package is created in the QMM Remote Setup Files subfolder of the Migration Manager installation folder, for example, C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Migration Manager\Exchange Data \QMM Remote Setup Files.
The created installation package contains two folders with necessary agent files:
Agents- folder with agents setup files and Hotfixes
Rcmd- folder with Quest Agent Installer files
The installation package also contains three .cmd files:
ccrsetup.cmd- setup file for CCR clusters
clnsetup.cmd- setup file for clusters
srvsetup.cmd- setup file for non-cluster servers
2. Copy all files from the installation package to a folder on the Exchange server.
3. Run the srvsetup.cmd. When running the srvsetup.cmd all components are by default copied to a subfolder called Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard, which is created in the Windows %systemroot%\system32 folder. This subfolder is shared as QMMEx$ServerName$.
4. Install the corresponding .exe files from the folder %systemroot%\system32\Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard\Setup to the folder %systemroot%\system32\Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard. Please be careful as the default directory is pointing to C:\Program Files and not to the Aelita Exchange Migration Wizard folder.
First always install EMWShared.exe - shared components.
EMWCSS.exe - Calendar Agent
EMWFBSS.exe - Free/Busy Agent
EMWMSA.exe - Mail Source Agent
EMWMTA.exe - Mail Target Agent
EMWNTS.exe - Transmission Agent
EMWPFSS.exe - PF Source and Target Agent
EMWSCA.exe - Statistics Collection Agent
EMWShared.exe - Shared Components
5. After you install all required agents you need to register agent's services.
- On the console right click on the corresponding source or target Exchange server
- Select required agent you want to install (Mail, PF, F/B, Calendar)
- Select Install service.
This will complete the installation procedure by creating an actual Windows service and registering it on QMM console.
Important: If after installation the agent can not start and config.ini file is missing from the agent's folder, please right click on the server under the corresponding Exchange organization on QMM console, select Properties and then click OK. This will trigger an update of agent's configuration and config.ini file will be re-created.
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