Error details / stack traces:
System.Exception: Error mapping to field 'xxx'. ---> System.Exception: Unable to map 'yyy' to a user or domain group.
場所 Quest.NSP.SharePoint.SharePointFieldsWriter.WriteUser(Object item, String mappedName, SharePointField fld, Mapping map, List`1 itemIdCollection)
--- 内部例外スタック トレースの終わり ---
場所 Quest.NSP.SharePoint.SharePointRecordsWriter.WriteRecords(IDataReader reader, List`1 migratedItemList, Int32 numberItems)
(client workingSet = 135M)
System.Exception: An error occurred while processing this document:
Error mapping to field 'xxx'. ---> Unable to map 'yyy' to a user or domain group
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