ターゲットにてPostやRepair処理においてORA-01950 を受けることがあります。
Error ... Compare client: Oracle Error 1950: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TSABC' [sp_declt] [module deq]
Notice 2022-02-28 14:09:36.894190 9450 750905280 Poster: compare client pid 4782 exist and continue... (processSpCompareMsgCore,L237) (posting from o.srcTns, queue pstquenam, to o.tgtTns) [module opo]
Error 2022-02-28 14:09:37.366632 4782 1212331968 Compare client: Oracle Error 1950: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TSABC' [sp_declt] [module deq]
Error 2022-02-28 14:09:37.366932 4782 1212331968 Compare client: ocierr=1950 table=ZUSER.T1 (de_repair_insert,L2594:de_repair_print_oracle_error_with_table_name,L1668) [sp_declt] [module deq]
Error 2022-02-28 14:09:37.411309 4782 1212331968 Compare client: Error -1 in de_compare_client see declt_5-1_o.srcTns_a1f0e21_p4782 [sp_declt] [module deq]
Post エラー (通常の複製中エラー)
Error ... Poster: que/seq = 8/ 0 seqno/offset = 258/19149328 Unexpected Oracle error: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TSABC' (object name: "ZUSER"."T1") ... [module opo]
Notice 2022-02-28 13:43:09.692110 27289 1384847104 s:8 Poster: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'USERS' (posting from o.opdbnet, queue zupost, to o.opdb12net) [module osp]
Error 2022-02-28 13:43:09.692419 27289 1384847104 s:8 Poster: que/seq = 8/ 0 seqno/offset = 258/19149328 Unexpected Oracle error: ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace 'TSABC' (object name: "ZUSER"."T1") (posting from o.srcTns, queue pstquenam, to o.tgtTns) [module opo]
Info 2022-02-28 13:43:10.933195 23028 1559861184 Poster exited with code=1, pid = 27289 (posting from o.srcTns, queue pstquenam, to o.tgtTns)
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