CAUSE1: The FMS server.config file has the "server.console.httpsonly" parameter set to "true" but the Integration Servlet URL is using the http port (8080). The Integration Servlet URL could not be configured because http is not being allowed.
CAUSE 2: When the "Integration Servlet URL" was configured to use https the following certificate error was reported due to a java SSL certification issue:
"PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target".
RESOLUTION 1: Change the the "server.console.httpsonly" setting in the server.config file to "false" and restart the FMS.
RESOLUTION 2: Address the certificate issue encountered when using port 8443 in the "Integration Servlet URL" used by the Trap Agent. Import the certificate for this FMS URL and fix the certificate issue as per the following JAVA KB article:
The following steps require that the FglAM that uses a V1.8 JRE (V5.8.1 FglAM or higher).
1. Copy the attached file ( file containing the class files for V1.8 JRE) to the temp folder on the FglAM host and then extract the contents (InstallCert.class and InstallCert$SavingTrustManager.class files).
2. Navigate to the temp folder and run following command:
"%FglAM_HOME%\jre\<latest 1.8.0.X version>\jre\bin\java.exe" -server InstallCert FMS_hostname:8443
3. The java program opens a connection to the specified host and starts an SSL handshake. It prints the exception stack trace of the error that occurred and shows you the certificates used by the server.
It will show "Enter certificate to add to trusted keystore ":
After the message is reported enter "1"
4.The program will display the complete certificate and then add it to a Java KeyStore named 'jssecacerts' in the current temp directory.
5. Copy the "jssecacerts" keystore file from the temp folder to the FglAM jvm security folder (%FglAM_HOME%\jre\<latest 1.8.0.X version>\jre\lib\security), so that the FglAM jvm will recognize the certificate as trusted.
6. Change the "Integration Servlet URL" to use the https port (8443)
7. Restart the FglAM.
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