Some issues can arise when GPOs are registered without the administrative templates available to the GPOADmin server at the time of registration.
Reports may show "Extra Registry Settings" instead of the properly formatted administrative template settings.
Once the file is made available, previous reports are still not being formatted properly.
This is not relevant for administrative templates that are the legacy "ADM" type, as these are generally stored with the GPO in SYSVOL.
Backups are created during the following actions: "Register", "Check in", "Incorporate Live", and "Deploy".
The GPOADmin server must have the files available in either the central store for templates (If configured):
Or, if this is not configured, then the files must be available on the GPOADmin server locally:
The above will ensure the backups created by GPOADmin, and thus, the reports will be formatted correctly.
Users must also have templates accessible from the GPOADmin client machine, for purposes of editing the GPO.
If a central store is not configured, the templates must go in %systemroot%\PolicyDefinitions on the client machines.
If the templates are not available, they will not show up as extra registry settings during editing, but will be absent entirely until made available.
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