In v12.12 the SQL Recall window is slow to appear and re-appear, when unpinned and showing a full list of statements.
This doesn't happen in 12.11 or earlier, but is seen in v12.12 and v13.
It opens normally if the output is grouped (no statements are visible, only the group header), but it is slow to open and close when the grouping is set to 'none' and the SQL statements are shown directly in the list.
If any SQL is actually shown it is very slow to open and close. If only the groups are shown (collapsed) then it operates normally. If any of the groups are expanded then it is back to being slow. Not only is the opening and closing slow, but the scrolling is also slow.
To replicate, open SQL Recall in the Editor (F8) and then choose 'Group by' in the small dropdown for the options.
Also remove the filter to show all the statements.
When you unpin the window, it is slow to open/close when moving the mouse over the window.
If you have grouping enabled from a previous installation, it may also be slow.
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