Azure Blob Storage is the Microsoft object storage solution for the cloud. This store allows hierarchical file names imitating a folder structure.
Azure Blob Storage connection properties
URL - the base address for the objects in your storage account that is the combination of the account name and the Azure Storage blob endpoint forms. You can enter the account name in the field and change the protocol between http or https.
Account key - the account key for your storage account. You can use either of the two keys to access Azure Storage, but in general it's a good practice to use the first key, and reserve the use of the second key for when you are rotating keys.
Container name - name of the container that you have created to organizes the set of blobs, similar to a directory in a file system.
Timeout - set the desired timeout value.
Retry policy - choose the behavior from the available options.
Retry count - set how many times the store should try to save a file
Filename prefix - configure the file name prefix to be used.
Click to select a date format. You can add custom text as well.
To test you azure connection data, go to and enter the account name and account key. Under the BLOBs menu you will see your stored files under a container.
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