Executive Summary
Executive summary of MySQL instance with high-level information including connection, workload, availability, and performance metrics, as well as top 10 alarms by severity.
Health Check
Report showing health indicators for the MySQL instance, including connections, workload, system, and performance metrics, top 10 statement digests by wait and lock times and error counts, and top 10 alarms by severity.
MySQL Server Configuration
Displays variables for the MySQL instance with values at the start and end of the selected time range and when they were modified.
MySQL Server Configuration Comparison
Compares current variable values for all MySQL instances contained in a Service against a selected MySQL instance (template server) to ensure configuration compliance. The report will optionally return all variables or just the variables with at least one difference in values.
Storage Report
Shows information on MySQL server storage capacity, growth rate, etc.
Top MySQL Servers by Connections
Displays top X MySQL instances by the selected connection metric: successful connects, aborted connects, success percentage, or aborted clients.
Top MySQL Tables
Displays top X tables in a MySQL instance by the selected table metric: total size, row count, used space percentage, or growth rate.
Top Statement Digests
Displays top X statement digests for a MySQL instance by the selected metric: count, average/sum/max wait time, average lock time, errors, or warnings.
Users Report
Shows information on MySQL users, connections, and privileges.
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