Post unable to logon to Oracle
Event_log shows:
Notice 2016-06-01 16:59:43.622648 90111 1089865472 Poster: Session 19 unable to logon to oracle 60 sec (posting from SOURCE_SID, queue name, to target_sid) [module opo]
Error 2016-06-01 16:58:44.562433 90120 646616928 Poster: Runtime: pthread_create: Resource temporarily unavailable (11). (posting from SOURCE_SID, queue name, to target_sid) [module opo]
Error 2016-06-01 17:32:35.182877 61661 345180000 Poster: 12032 - OCIServerAttach failed with ORA-12536. (posting from SOURCE_SID, queue name, to target_sid) [module osp]
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