Post core dumps on a table with long data type.
Error 2012-02-22 10:28:08.551102 18970 1 Poster killed due to SIGSEGV, core file = $SP_SYS_VARDIR/dump/core.XXXXX, pid = XXXXX
Info 2012-02-22 10:28:08.568461 19816 1 Poster launched, pid = XXXX
Error 2012-02-22 10:28:13.726894 19816 1 Poster: 17006 - Error reading object cache from file "$SP_SYS_VARDIR/state/0xXXXXX+PP+host+sp_opst+o.sid-o.sidobjcache_sp_opst.xx": Illegal state: Item XXXXXX already in the object id registry