For the NetVault Db2 APM, the target log directory is the visible directory
The reason is that the NetVault Db2 APM queries the Db2 server requesting the path of the logs directory, and Db2 will return the path of the target directory for logs. e.g F:\ drive
Db2 provides a functionality called userexit
This functionality allows to execute some procedure once a transaction log becomes an archived log. For example and userexit might be programmed so once a transaction log becomes an archived log, that log is moved from drive F: to drive G:
Note that an userexit could be programmed to do any action, for example just send an email, or like in the above example to move files to a separate drive. Some userexit are pre-programmed, but users can still create hers or his own userexits.
Also note that userexits are programmed for both archive and restore. So an example of userexit can do:
1. When is called for archive with the name of a file, then will move that file (an archived log) from F: to G: drive.
2. When the userexit is called for restore with the name of a file, then will move that file from G: to F: drive
About Backups
1. Archived logs must to be backed up before deleted or purged. There will be archived logs that will be necessary for restore. In particular archived logs produced between backups will be required for roll forward.
2. If archived logs are stored in some place other than the target directory for logs, then it will be necessary to backup them using for example the file system. Never delete archived logs unless are backed up, or unless a full backup has been just finished (and in this case always keep a certain amount of archived logs, for example the last 10 archived logs)
About Userexits (logs directory target in F: but archived logs stored in G:)
1. Our documentation do not recommend this situation co
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