Date - 04/10
Affected Product Version - NVBU 8.5
Affected Module & Version - VMWARE
OS Version - All
Application Information - N/A
Investigating network devices and device settings as a cause of VMware Converter failures
P2vtool returns an error failed with error P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.NfcConnectionFault)
Conversion process is extremely slow
Very slow network throughput
Conversion fails before completing
Conversion fails between 2% and 96% during the cloning process
You may receive the following errors:
Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.DiskLibConnectionFault
Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.NfcConnectionFault
Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 5666
Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 79394
Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 4898
[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpRead: timed out waiting for data
[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrRecv: failed with code = 9
[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to receive io reply
DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #1 (5666) (34)
NfcNetTcpWrite: timed out waiting for socket to be ready (101)
Error 5666 writing to the destination volume
[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10053
[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed
[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_Close: failed to send close message
[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10053
Error 79394 writing to the destination volume
DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #50301 (79394) (34)
[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_Close: received unexpected message 4 from server
NfcNetTcpRead: timed out waiting for data
NfcNetTcpWrite: timed out waiting for socket to be ready (101)
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