The following error appears in job and actually can crash the Virtual Center service on the Virtual Center server, when a replication job is run. (or a backup job???)
An internal error occurred during execution, please contact Vizioncore support if the error persists. Error Message: API Call failed with message: A general system error occurred: Error[VdbODBCError] (-1) "ODBC error: (42000) - [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared." is returned when executing SQL statement "UPDATE VPX_ENTITY_VMOP_COUNT WITH (ROWLOCK) SET POWERON_COUNT = ? , POWEROFF_COUNT = ? , SUSPEND_COUNT = ? , RESET_COUNT = ? , REBOOTGUEST_COUNT = ? , STANDBYGUEST_COUNT = ? , SHUTDOWNGUEST_COUNT = ? , CREATE_COUNT = ? , DESTROY_COUNT = ? , REGISTER_COUNT = ? , UNREGISTER_COUNT = ? , RECONFIGURE_COUNT = ? , CLONE_COUNT = ? , DEPLOY_COUNT = ? , CHANGEHOST_COUNT = ? , CHANGEDS_COUNT = ? , CHANGEHOSTDS_COUNT = ? , VMOTION_COUNT = ? , SVMOTION_COUNT = ? WHERE ID = ?"
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