After upgrading the GPOADmin server from Windows 2012R2 to 2016 with a new OS-Image (Drive C:) on the same Hardware with same IP and server name the options cannot be opened.
We have done a new installation of GPOADmin 5.16 on the new server with the same SQL database. If we select the domain and right-click on "Options" the MMC stops working with the message "MMC has detected an error in a snap-in and will unload it."
These will be done in PowerShell and will either correct the issue, or help us come closer to a root cause. This should all be done on the GPOADmin service host machine as either the service account, or as an administrator of GPOADmin.
1) Open PowerShell and load the GPOADmin PowerShell provider.
2) Navigate to C:\VCRoot
3) Run "$Options = Get-ExchangeOptions -OptionsType All"
4) Run "$Options | Format-List -Property *" to display all properties if the call in (3) worked correctly.
If this runs correctly that would be a sign that the exchange options may not be the root cause. That said, as the GPOADmin host machine was reimaged it will not be able to decrypt the existing password, and the exchange options should be reset. If you are not using Exchange for the email notifications / approvals please request support with the equivalent gmail commandlets.
4) Run "Set-ExchangeOptions" using the options from the first call, if available. If no options were returned by the call in (3), and you are planning to use Exchange for notifications / approvals, then set the options here from scratch. This will replace any existing options and replace the options that can no longer be decrypted.
5) Test to see if this allows the options dialogue to be opened in the GPOADmin console.
If you need to reset the SMTP settings as well, this can be done using the Get-SMTPOptions and Set-SMTPOptions
If you wish to have an example of how to use these commandlets, you can run "Get-Help -Full <commandlet>" for a full description of the commandlet, what it does, and an example of how it can be used.
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