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Spotlight on SAP ASE 2.12 - Getting Started Guide

Workload Management Analysis drilldown

Note: This drilldown is available for DB2 9.5 and later databases only.

The Workload Management Analysis drilldown reports the information gathered by the WLM_GET table functions about the Workload Management (WLM) environment for the currently selected database.

Opening the Workload Management Analysis drilldown

To open the Workload Management Analysis drilldown

On the home page for the selected DB2 database or on the home page for the DB2 instance, click in the toolbar.

Using the Work Management Analysis drilldown

From the following tabs on the drilldown, view both summary information and drill-down details about how workloads are being managed and how they are performing in the database:

Service Classes


Work Classes

Work Actions


Threshold Queues


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