-Added replica set, state, and connections currently in use to MongoDB Servers dashboard table. Replica Set value links to MongoDB Replica Sets dashboard. -Implemented workaround to allow sorting by column for metric values. -Fixed MongoDB Availability rule. -Fixed the registry and display variables for the MongoDB Connections UsedPercent rule. -Fixed Databases counter collection for certain versions. -Fixed a null pointer error when shutting down an incompletely started agent. -Added "MongoDB Alarm Email Forwarder" and "MongoDB Cleared Alarm Email Forwarder" rules. -Added quick view for inclusion in Databases dashboard, update coming soon. 16/Jan/17 -Added rule to alert if a replica set has no primary: "MongoDB Replication NoPrimary". -Added rule to alert if a cluster is missing an active mongos: "MongoDB Cluster Mongos Availability". -Added rules to alert on replication oplog lag and headroom: "MongoDB Replication Oplog Lag" and "MongoDB Replication Oplog Headroom". -Email forwarder rule updated for latest topology types, performs event agent lookup. -Server Overview dashboard UI updated. -New server type "configsvr" added. -Collections dashboard column visibility customized by server and collection types. -Collection counts harmonized across dashboards. -Chunk counts added for collection components on individual shards. -Databases dashboard shard enabled column added. -Database file size now collected for WiredTiger databases. -MongoDB Clusters dashboard created. -Auto-discovery and availability monitoring option added for sharded cluster monitoring. -Replica set now collected for unmonitored replica set members also. -Agent properties database setting removed. -Every server object submitted to the FMS now has a collecting agent. -New topology types for sharded cluster objects added. Now collecting cluster balancer metrics. -Hostname/IP alias list added to agent properties. -Dashboards not applicable for various server types replace blank tables/charts with informational messages. -Created MongoDB Object Cleanup dashboard for convenient deletion of old topology objects. 16/Feb/17 -Updated DB Global View UI cartridge. 28/Feb/17 -Added SSL connection capability to the MongoDB agent. Instructions for configuring the connection and importing SSL/TLS certificates into the JRE keystore are contained in the Foglight for MongoDB cartridge guide. -Added rule "MongoDB SSL Certificate Expiration" to alert if a MongoDB server using an SSL/TLS certificate is approaching its expiration date. -Upgraded Mongo java driver to 3.4.2. -Dashboard bug fixes. 13/Mar/17 -Library sources removed from agent jar to reduce size. -"MongoDB Replication Buffer Ratio" rule no longer triggers on null capacity. -New total data size and total index size metrics calculated for MongoDB servers. -Fixed scaling bug in rules "MongoDB Memory DataFit" and "MongoDB Memory IndexFit". 12/May/17 -WiredTiger monitoring and dedicated dashboard added. -Enabled parsing of a sharded collection config document with a missing shard key. 06/Jun/17 -Report templates added: "MongoDB Cluster Summary", "MongoDB Executive Summary", "MongoDB Replica Set Summary", "MongoDB Server Health Check", "MongoDB Top Collections", and "MongoDB Top Profiled Ops". -Updated DB Global View UI cartridge to v5_7_5_36. -Rule "MongoDB Replication Oplog Headroom" no longer triggers on newly started servers. -WiredTiger rules added: "MongoDB WiredTiger Transaction Failures", "MongoDB WiredTiger ConcurrentTransaction ReadTicketsAvailable", "MongoDB WiredTiger ConcurrentTransaction WriteTicketsAvailable", "MongoDB WiredTiger Cache DirtyBytes", "MongoDB WiredTiger Cache PagesEvictedClean", "MongoDB WiredTiger Cursor SessionCount", and "MongoDB WiredTiger Cursor CursorCount". 06/Jun/17 -Reports module added to agent. 10/Jul/17 -Log dashboard added. -Collect and alert on replica set error states. -Link host and agent to all server-specific objects and alerts. -Warn-level logging added when a sharded cluster with no sharded collections is monitored. -Added rules to alert on high average execution times for database commands, reads, and writes. -Display name implementation corrected and expanded as shared secondary attribute list. -Removed heartbeat latencies based on erroneous MongoDB documentation (DOCS-7810). -New report iterates over all clusters in the monitoring environment. -Cluster dashboard collection table now updates automatically. -Corrected unit for Data Storage -> Size in Collection shards table. 01/Aug/17 -Added rule to alert if there are any "no timeout" cursors open. -Instance display name overrides and hostname overrides moved to global lists and applied uniformly across dashboards, rule messages, and reports. -Updated message for database execution time rules. -Alarm generator added to log entry monitoring. 09/Aug/17 -Fixed stale database selection in collections dashboard. 23/Aug/17 -Fixed negative oplog headroom values. -Fixed negative non-mapped memory values. 31/Aug/17 -Fixed missing metric in message for rule "MongoDB Locks Queue Length". -Fixed bug in "MongoDB Memory Page Faults" triggering with 0 total operations. -Fixed bug in "MongoDB Alarm E-mail Forwarder" and "MongoDB Cleared Alarm E-mail Forwarder". 7/Sep/17 -Added replica set override list to agent properties. -Updated MongoDB driver version to 3.5.0. 20/Sep/17 -Updated DB Global View UI cartridge to v5_7_5_41. 10/Oct/18 -Added new agent property: replica set alias name. -WiredTiger dashboard metric severities displayed at highest severity of current alerts. -Deletion of objects zero days old via MongoDB Object Cleanup dashboard now allowed. -Added retention policy for log topology. -Expanded alert message for rule "MongoDB Cursors NoTimeout". -CollStats collections no longer failed on views. -Service report sorted by name; memory values auto-scaled. -Database user authentication on admin database ensured before submitting positive availability result. -Eliminated erroneous log messages for null totalDataSize. -Database connection in agent properties now a secondary property list. -Responsivity to FglAM interruption improved. -Server include/exclude setting added to agent properties. -Server Overview dashboard width issue fixed. -Empty aliases now ignored. -Added Workload derived metric to Mongo_Cluster and MongoReplicaSet. -Replica Set Quick View added. -Clusters Quick View added. -Added derived metrics totalFileSize and growthRate to MongoServer. -Scaling on derived metric growthRate fixed. -Storage report added. -Additional lifecycle logging added including per-server collection scheduling. -Whether instances are standalone servers now tracked. -"DB Ops container" hidden on Databases dashboard for unmonitored databases and for mongos query servers. -Shard servers residing on the same hosts no longer overwritten. -Collection operations and locks charts hidden for mongos query servers. -Ops or collection shard table shown depending on server type. -User and role monitoring added; Users and Roles top-level dashboard added. -Percona Server for MongoDB now supported. -Support non-numeric version entries past the minor version number. -Succesfully started data collections stopped when full agent startup fails. -Homepage purpose removed from top-level dashboards in coordination with Databases dashboard integration. -Added "system.sessions" to unmonitored collections list. -Agent property strings (excluding passwords) trimmed of whitespace. -Implemented MongoDB 4.0 compatibility for unsharded replica sets. -Reports associated with respective dashboards. -Fixed bug in expression for rule "MongoDB Collection Growth". -Replica Sets dashboard no longer shows an error when replica sets list is empty or selected replica set has empty member list. -Enable dynamic memory checkbox added to agent properties. -Updated DB_Global_View_UI to -Added SMA_DB_Global cartridge to build. 09/Jan/19 -Added agent installer wizard with discovery to Databases dashboard. -Email notification via Databases dashboard implemented. -Remove replica set name in MongoDB QuickView for standalones. -Set agent on all submitted topology objects. -Connection error logging improved. -Cluster/replica set topology discovery mode added. -Update cartridge author. -Updated DB_Global_View_UI to v5.9.3.20. -Added SMA_DB_Global cartridge at v5.9.3.20. 07/May/19 -Set replica set member server names uniformly. -Unreachable replica sets now also navigable from the monitoring root. -Collect server start time once at agent startup only.