To automate running of the verify settings operation on a regular basis, you can schedule this operation for the recovery project.
In Forest Recovery Console, create or open an existing recovery project.
Click Schedule Verify… on the tool bar.
In the Configure Schedule dialog box, click Modify….
In the dialog that appears, click New… and configure the schedule.
Then you will be able to see a list of configured schedules in the Configure Schedule dialog. The Enable schedule option is selected by default.
To specify a user account for the project verification, click Select account… in the Configure Schedule dialog. If you skip this step, you will be prompted for a user name and password when saving the schedule. You must use the Administrator user account.
Click OK to save the schedule.
In Forest Recovery Console, open an existing recovery project.
Click Schedule Verify… on the tool bar.
To enable or disable the schedule, use the Enable Schedule check box in the Configure Schedule dialog.
To change the schedule, click Modify…..
In the dialog box that opens, configure the new schedule and click OK.
To change the schedule account, click Select account… in the Configure Schedule dialog.
Enter new credentials, then you will be prompted for the account which is currently used for this schedule. Enter the current credential and click OK.
Click OK to save the changes in the Configure Schedule dialog. If you have not changed the account, you will be prompted for the current credentials.
In Forest Recovery Console, open an existing recovery project.
Click Schedule Verify… on the tool bar.
Click Modify….
Delete all schedules and click OK.
Click OK in the Configure Schedule dialog and you will be prompted for the current schedule account.
Enter the current credentials and click OK.
You can set individual recovery settings for each domain controller in your recovery project. For more information about these settings, see Domain controller recovery settings and progress.
Create or open a recovery project.
In the list of domain controllers, select the domain controller for which you want to specify recovery settings.
Use the General tab to specify recovery settings.
You can only restore domain controllers from backups created with Recovery Manager for Active Directory. The Forest Recovery Console provides the following methods for you to select backups for recovery:
Method 1: Automatically select backups based on your criteria. Allows you to automatically select specific backups for multiple domain controllers according to the backup selection criteria you specify.
Method 2: Manually select backups. Allows you to manually select any backup for a given domain controller in the recovery project. You can only select from backups created with Recovery Manager for Active Directory.
The next sections describe each of these methods.
You can use the Forest Recovery Console to automatically select backups for multiple domain controllers in your recovery project. This method allows you to specify a time period, and then automatically select the latest backup created in that period for particular domain controllers in the project.
Specify your backup selection criteria:
Create or open a recovery project.
On the Forest Recovery Console toolbar, click Backup Criteria.
Automatic backup selection criteria can be defined based on backup type:
Select All Backups to apply the same search criteria to both BMR and AD Backups,
Select BMR Backups to apply specified search criteria to BMR backups only.
Select AD Backups to apply specified search criteria to AD backups only.
Automatic backup selection options
Option | Description |
Use the latest backup, but not older than 60 days | Allows you to use the most recent backup registered with Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) for a given domain controller. |
Use latest backup created before <Date> and after <Date> | Allows you to specify a date range and use the most recent backup from that range for a particular domain controller. |
Use backups on DCs whenever possible (enabled by Default) | Not supported for BMR backups. When this check box is selected, RMAD first searches for DCs to be restored from the backups that meet the criteria you have specified. If no suitable backups are found for the DCs, RMAD will then search the Remote Storage (UNC path) for Backups. If no suitable backup are found on Remote Storage, RMAD then looks for backups on the local storage located on the Forest Recovery Console computer. With this check box selected by default, you can avoid any unnecessary backup files being copied from the Forest Recovery Console to the DCs, to be restored, and thus speed up the recovery process. |
When you are finished, click OK.
Specify the domain controllers for which you want to automatically select backups:
Hold down CTRL, and then click to select such domain controllers in the list of domain controllers.
On the General tab, and then select the Use backup criteria to automatically select a backup check box (selected by default).
To view which backup was automatically selected for a domain controller, select that domain controller in the list, view the info bar and look to the right and view the backup file name in Selected Backup. You can also see the backup file selected by mousing over the Use backup criteria to automatically select a backup data in the General tab.
To view which backup that was automatically selected for a domain controller, select the domain controller in the list and view the info bar. You can then view the backup file name found in the Selected Backup column. You can also see the backup file that is selected for recovery by mousing over the Backup: field from the General tab.
If the automatically selected backup file is not to be used, you can manually select a different backup. To do so, clear the Use backup criteria to automatically select a backup check box and click the Select button located to the right of the backup field. A list of registered backups will be displayed within the Select Backup dialog, select the backup you want to use for Recovery for the domain controller.
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