To restore data from Active Directory® or AD LDS (ADAM) backups, Recovery Manager for Active Directory (RMAD) requires specific dynamic link libraries (DLLs) supplied with the Windows operating system. In case RMAD cannot find these DLLs, the backup restore operation may fail with an error message similar to the following:
“The Active Directory® database (ntds.dit) file in the backup is incompatible with the esent.dll file version found on this computer.”
Before you start using RMAD to extract and restore data from Active Directory® or AD LDS (ADAM) backups, it is recommended to ensure the required DLLs are available on the RMAD computer.
Operating system on the Recovery Manager for Active Directory computer
The OS version on the domain controller cannot be higher than the OS version on the Recovery Manager Console machine. For the list of supported OS, see Release Notes. |
To configure the various settings of Recovery Manager for Active Directory, you can use the Settings dialog box. In the Settings dialog box, you can define a TCP port for communications with the Backup Agent, Online Restore Agent, Offline Restore Agent and Management Agent, specify the default location for storing Active Directory® backups, select a default method for compare and restore operations, configure settings for creating unpacked backups, or set up e-mail notifications or diagnostic logging.
In the Recovery Manager Console, select the Recovery Manager for Active Directory console tree root.
On the Action menu, click Settings.
The Settings dialog box has the following tabs:
On this tab, you can specify the default location for storing Active Directory backups or select a default method for compare and restore operations.
This tab provides the following options:
Default backup location. Allows you to specify the path to the folder where to store backups. You can either type the path or click Browse to locate and select the folder.
Maximum number of items displayed per folder under the Active Directory node. Use this box to type the maximum number of objects (default 2000) that you want to be displayed for any single folder in the console tree under the Active Directory® node.
Default method for compare and restore operations. Allows you to select the default method to perform compare and restore operations in the Online Restore Wizard. For more information about the methods that you can select, see Using the agentless or agent-based method.
Change Auditor (CA)
Include Change Auditor "Who" data in reports. Includes information on users who modified certain Active Directory objects into the reports you can generate in the Online Restore Wizard. To use this option, you must have Change Auditor for Active Directory installed in the home Active Directory forest of RMAD.
Include subsequent changes from CA on deleted objects. When this option is selected, Recovery Manager for Active Directory restores the deleted object(s) and continuously restores the last change (if any) that was made to the object attributes after creating the backup, using data from the Change Auditor database.
Database. Allows you to specify the name of Change Auditor database.
To specify the CA database server, instance, port, and name, use the following format: <Server Name>\<Instance Name>,<Port>\<Database Name>. Example:\testinstance,1432\ChangeAuditorDB
For details about the Change Auditor-related options, see Integration with Change Auditor for Active Directory.
Default Active Directory connection
Note |
You must reopen the Forest Recovery console after updating the Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection setting for the changes to take effect. |
On this tab, you can specify some global (or default) settings to automatically unpack backups. By default, these settings will apply to all new Computer Collections.
This tab provides the following options:
Unpack each backup upon its creation - Specifies to unpack each backup upon its creation. This option will only apply to those Computer Collections whose properties are configured to use the global settings. In this option, you can specify the number of recent backup creation sessions (default 3) from which you want to keep unpacked backups for each domain in the Computer Collections.
Prompt me to keep backups unpacked by wizards - Specifies that the Online Restore Wizard and the Group Policy Restore Wizard will prompt you to keep unpacked backups. Use the Keep unpacked backups list to specify for how long you want RMAD to keep (default 7 days) the backups unpacked by the wizards.
Unpacked backups folder - Provides a space for you to specify the path to the folder (default C:\ProgramData\Quest\Recovery Manager for Active Directory\Unpacked) where you want RMAD to keep unpacked backups. Each unpacked backup will be saved in a separate subfolder. Type the folder path or click Browse to locate and select the folder.
Only one DC backup per domain is chosen for unpacking for each backup session.
Not Read-Only DCs are selected first.
If there are no Not Read-Only DCs in the domain, all the DCs are supposed to be selected.
If several DCs are selected on the Step 2, DC with the Global Catalog role will be selected among them. If there are several DCs with the GC role, it is unpredictable which backup will be selected then.
The chosen backup (one per domain) is unpacked.
If there is limit for unpacked backups and it is exceeded, the specified number of the oldest backups are deleted. If individual settings are specified for a collection, backups for that particular collection are taken into account, otherwise backups of all collections that use the global settings are taken into account when comparing against the specified limit.
For more information on managing unpacked backups, see Unpacking backups.
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