From time to time when exporting an Enterprise Vault journal archive, the following may appear in the EV Export Module log file:2013-11-15 20:49:32Z|WARN|P:3552|T:8|Envelope|No Envelope reconstruction possible. Using P2 for file [\\cfc-appas01\as_share\11975bef-6eaf-4e08-ac31-7a7e09b574c0\42d83968-a66e-4d89-bc90-d3f10d6acf4a\383\700899f5-19cd-a968-7b7b-d16a1c450211]
This can appear regardless of the target environment.
Testing has shown that in fact, the item inside the Enterprise Vault archive does not have an envelope (P1 message). This means that the EV Export Module can not extract the envelope, as it’s not present, and will continue with using the normal message (P2 message). This may concern compliance teams at a customer, therefore information from the internet should be provided to the customer relating to P1 versus P2 messages, and if necessary dialog should be started between the customer and Veritas to determine why an envelope was not recorded during the journal archive activity.
Note: It might not be possible to ever conclusively prove why an envelope was not available. The primary reason discovered during our own testing is that Exchange 2003 non-envelope journaling may have been in use for a period of time.
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