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Download ApexSQL Generate 2022.01.0391


This ApexSQL Generate release uses a new product licensing engine and may require a license update.

Please refer to the knowledge base article here for additional information and instructions on implementing this release.

Release: 2022.01.0391
Date: October 10, 2022


-The activation model is switched to Subscription
-The application does not support integration into SQL Server Management Studio 2012, 2014, and 2016 versions
-Trust server certificate option is added under the Connection options dialog

To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value.
SHA256: 44bf4900e3d0cb468cc8f050ef8bfe2c4e566550dce9b142a169f43b1695d8f7

Document Title
ApexSQL Generate 2022.x Release Notes and Requirements.pdf
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