Select Type of Offline Domino Databases Location
You can use this page to select whether you want to restore data from particular Lotus Domino databases or from all Lotus Domino databases located in the folders you specify.
On this page, you can select one of the following options:
- Folders that contain offline Domino databases (.nsf files). You can select this option to specify folders that contain offline Domino databases (.nsf files). The task restores data from all offline Domino databases found in the folders you specify.
- Specific offline Domino databases (.nsf files). You can select this option to specify individual offline .nsf files from which you want to restore data.
Add Folders
Depending on the restoration template you selected, you can use the Add Folders page to set up a list of folders that contain backup files, offline Exchange databases (.edb files), offline Domino databases (.nsf files), or Personal Folders (.pst) files. The task restores data from all backup files, Exchange databases, Domino databases, or .pst files found in the folders you specify.
On this page, you can use the following elements:
- Added folders. Displays a list of the folders that you have added.
- Add. Displays a dialog box you can use to select a folder and add it to the list. You can select and add one folder at a time.
- Remove. Removes selected folders from the list. To remove folders, select the folders you want to remove, and then click Remove.
To select multiple folders in one step, hold down CTRL and click the folders you want to select.
Add Offline Exchange Databases
You can use the Add Offline Exchange Databases page to set up a list of the offline Exchange databases (.edb files) from which you want to restore data.
On this page, you can use the following elements:
- Added .edb files. Displays a list of the .edb files you have selected to restore data from.
- Add. Displays a dialog box you can use to select .edb files and add them to the list. You can select and add multiple .edb files.
- Remove. Removes selected .edb files from the list. To remove .edb files, select the files you want to remove, and then click Remove.
To select multiple files in one step, hold down CTRL and click the files you want to select.
Add Offline Domino Databases
You can use the Add Offline Domino Databases page to set up a list of the offline Domino databases (.nsf files) from which you want to restore data.
On this page, you can use the following elements:
- Added .nsf files. Displays a list of the .nsf files you have selected to restore data from.
- Add. Displays a dialog box you can use to select .nsf files and add them to the list. You can select and add multiple .nsf files.
- Remove. Removes selected .nsf files from the list. To remove .nsf files, select the files you want to remove, and then click Remove.
To select multiple files in one step, hold down CTRL and click the files you want to select.