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Toad for MySQL 7.3 - Release Notes

Release Notes

Toad™ for MySQL

Version 7.3

Release Notes

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Welcome to Toad for MySQL

New in This Release

Resolved Issues and Enhancements

Known Issues

Third Party Known Issues

System Requirements

Product Licensing

Global Operations

Getting Started

For More Information

Welcome to Toad for MySQL

With Toad™ for MySQL, developers and database administrators can use a familiar, proven tool to manage databases. Toad empowers developers and administrators, of varying skill levels, to rapidly create and execute queries, automate database object management and develop SQL more efficiently.

Toad™ for MySQL also provides utilities to compare, extract and search for objects, manage projects, import/export data and administer the database, while increasing your productivity and delivering access to an active user community.

New in This Release

This release of Toad for MySQL includes the following new features and enhancements.

New Look

Database Administration

Query Development


Idea Pond

New Look

You will notice that this release of Toad for MySQL has a fresh new look. Several elements in the user interface have changed, including:

Toad Data Point has a new look. This release includes a sleek new design for the main toolbar, as well as a few user interface enhancements designed to simplify your Toad workflow.

  • Main Toolbar: Large, easy-to-read icons make it easy to find and open your favorite Toad modules and tools.

  • Open Connections List: The Open Connections list has moved to the Connection/Navigation Manager pane.

  • Other Toolbars: For ease-of-use, individual module toolbars have moved to their respective windows. This keeps the Main Toolbar clean and display the functions you need only when you need them.

    For example, the Query Builder toolbar now displays in the Query Builder window instead of the Main Toolbar.

    Toad continues to provide maximum flexibility in the Toad workspace, of course. Move, float, and create new toolbars to fit your needs.

  • New Skins: Three new skins have been added: ToadBlue2014, ToadGreen2014, and ToadTan2014.
  • If you like the standard Toad skin, this look is still available. Go to Options | Environment | Interface and select the Default skin.
  • If you like the standard toolbar, this is still available, also. Right-click the Main Toolbar and deselect Use Large Icons.

Database Administration

Object Explorer

Filtering database objects has several new enhancements.

  • When you enter a search string in the object filter field, the currently-specified Search Condition now displays in a blue banner below the field.

  • You can now specify a default Search Condition in Tools | Options | Explorer | General. If you don't specify a default, the field defaults to the search type you specified the last time you created or modified a filter (includes previous sessions).
  • The following new Search Conditions have been added: Contains (Exact), Starts With (Exact), and End With (Exact). Use these to include (in your text string) certain characters normally used in search logic, such as the underscore character (_).

Connection/Navigation Manager

  • The Connection/Navigation Manager now includes a search feature. Use incremental search to find connections quickly.

Query Development

New Commenting Feature in the Query Builder

  • You can now easily comment out a Where clause, Having clause, or column from a Select statement in the Query Builder. Select the Where or Having field in a column, or select the column, then right-click and select an option from the menu.

    This feature allows you to easily manipulate a SQL query and still retain the original SQL text.

  • In addition, comments are now retained when sending SQL from the Editor to the Query Builder. If you comment out sections of your SQL query or add notes as comments in the Editor, these are retained after sending to the Query Builder.

Other Features

  • Query Builder: If you modify the query in the Query tab, the Query Builder now prominently displays a helpful message to remind you to re-visualize your query in the Diagram tab.


  • Select to File Activity: When exporting to an Excel file, you can now append the exported data to already existing data on a worksheet.

  • Zip/Unzip Activity: You can now unzip existing zip files using the Zip/Unzip activity (formerly the Zip activity).

Idea Pond

  • Idea  Pond is a site where you can submit your ideas to improve Toad and vote or comment on other people's ideas. Toad's development has always been driven by our customers, and now it is even easier for you to tell us what changes are most important. This site is free for all customers.
  • Got a great idea for a new Toad for MySQL feature or enhancement? Share it with the Development Team and the Community by posting it on Idea Pond.
  • Visit Toad for MySQL Idea Pond where you can submit your ideas. You can also read and vote on the enhancement ideas submitted by other users.

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Resolved Issues and Enhancements

The following is a list of issues addressed and enhancements implemented in this release of Toad.

Resolved Issues and Enhancements in 7.3


Resolved Issue or Enhancement

Defect ID

SQL Recall If you select a SQL statement in the Executed tab of the SQL Recall pane, the right-click menu item, Moved to named, is now enabled as expected. TMY-19
SQL Editor Tables that include a TIME data type column are now handled correctly (Toad Editor file). TMY-22

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Known Issues

The following is a list of issues known to exist at the time of this release.

Feature Known Issue Defect ID
Installation For some languages (languages using double-byte character encoding) specified using the Current language for non-unicode programs option in the Windows Region and Language dialog, the trademark symbols do not display correctly in the installer.


Schema Compare The timestamp column does not show differences when tables are updated. ST95642
Data Compare Views do not display in the New Comparison Wizard. ST95575
Debugger When you debug a stored procedure, Toad inserts its own statement in the user's Declare Cursor in both Procedure and Function causing a SQL error. ST93716

There are some problems with Toad for MySQL running as administrator on Windows 7/Vista systems with UAC turned on and Outlook running.


Either run Toad not as administrator or turn UAC off or close Outlook while opening Automation and also every time you add Send Email activity in the designer.


Toad includes significant enhancements to Automation that affect attributes in the actual automation script. If you open an automation script from a previous version, a message informs you that the script will be upgraded so it will work in the current version of Toad.

Caution: If you upgrade this script, it will no longer be compatible with previous versions of Toad. However, a backup copy of your script will be saved in the Automation\BAK folder in the Application Data Directory under Help | About.

Data For some queries, attempting to right-click a row and select Row Count results in a message stating that the row count could not be determined N/A
Export Wizard/ One Click Export

(Windows 7 only) When exporting data to an Excel instance using the Export wizard, Toad stops responding.

On Windows 7, use One Click Export to Excel Instance to export data instead.

Avoid using Excel for exporting if your data has numeric values that require a high precision because Excel's precision is limited to 15 digits. If you export numbers with more precision, the values are rounded. If you export boundary numbers (max, min), rounded numbers will exceed the data type limit N/A
Import Wizard Attempting to import data that was exported to an Excel instance where the fractional seconds were truncated results in an error. N/A
Query Builder Currently, you cannot reverse engineer a query that contains a WHERE EXIST clause. ST75090
Version Control

If you migrate settings when upgrading Toad, you may have to reconfigure the repository setting in version control if a "Failed to open the settings for module VersionControl reverting to defaults" error displays.

To reconfigure the repository, select Tools | Options | Version Control | Defaults and select the previous repository in the Version control folder field. Your previous project settings are applied.

In previous releases, the method Toad used to generate the script was different than the current method. After upgrading Toad, a message may display stating that objects or files in version control are different than the local version. If your local version is current, you should check the objects and files into version control. N/A
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Third Party Known Issues

The following is a list of third party issues known to exist at the time of this release.


Known Issue

Defect ID


Automation in MySQL 7.0 or later requires .NET Framework 4.5. If you are using .NET Framework 4.0 without .NET Framework 4.5 (such as in Windows XP), you may encounter the following:

  • After running a scheduled Automation script, Toad generates an error message even though the script executes successfully.

Workaround: Upgrade your Windows OS to Windows 7 and install .NET Framework 4.5.


In Toad for MySQL 7.2 or later, when connecting to MySQL using a connection created in Toad for MySQL 7.0 or earlier, some users may encounter the following error:

"Authentication with old password no longer supported, use 4.1 style passwords."

This is an error message from MySQL database and indicates that the connection password was created in a pre-MySQL 4.1 database.

Workaround: Connect to the MySQL database using Toad for MySQL 7.0 and run the following script. Replace the YOURDATABASEPASSWORD string with the actual password.

SET SESSION old_passwords=0;



Currently, Korean characters are not supported.

If the value of a TIME data type is greater than 24-hours, the value does not display correctly. N/A
Currently, geometry data types are not supported. ST70327
Import Wizard Importing large data sets from Excel (approximately 650,000 rows) is not recommended because of the amount of time it may take. This issue occurs because the Excel import component maintains the output in memory until the import completes. This can cause performance issues depending on the available system resources. CR219754

Export Wizard

To export to an Office 2003 or 2007 Excel instance, the Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) must be installed. You can install the PIAs from one of the following locations:  

2003 PIAs:  

2007 PIAs:  


System Requirements

Client Requirements

Before installing Toad, ensure that your client system meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:


1 GHz minimum


512 MB of RAM minimum, 1 GB recommended

Note: The memory required may vary based on the following:

  • Applications that are running on your system when using Toad for MySQL
  • Size and complexity of the database
  • Amount of database activity
  • Number of concurrent users accessing the database

Hard Disk Space

800 MB to install Toad for MySQL

    Operating System

    Windows Server® 2008 R2 (64-bit)

    Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)

    Windows® 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)

    Windows® 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

    Important: Toad uses the Microsoft® Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) when opening a SQL file to get Full-Text Search status, but DTC is disabled by default on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. If you are using either operating system, ensure that Network DTC access is enabled on the Toad client. See for more information about enabling DTC access.

    .NET Framework

    The Microsoft® .NET Framework is required. The version is dependent on the operating system.

    .NET 4.5

    Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 (SP2 or earlier), Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012

    .NET 4.0

    Windows XP, Windows Vista (SP1 or earlier), Windows Server 2003


    • This information is provided to aid installation. Toad for MySQL is not tested on Windows XP. Windows Vista (SP1 or earlier), and Windows Server 2003.
    • The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile is not supported.

    Additional Requirements

    Web Browser

    Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 6.0 or later

    Server Requirements

    Before installing Toad, ensure that your server meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

    Database Server

    MySQL 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6

    Clustrix 5.2

    Cloud Database Service Toad for MySQL can manage Amazon RDS and any other cloud or service offering compatible with MySQL.

    Virtualization Support

    Application Virtualization

    Limited testing has been performed for Citrix® XenApp™ 5.0 on Windows Server 2003 and Citrix XenApp 6.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2.

    Limited testing has been performed for Citrix support on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Server (Service Pack 2) using the MetaFrame Presentation Server 5.0 and Citrix Presentation Server Clients 10.2.

    Note: Toad may work in virtualization environments other than the ones in which it was tested.

    User Privilege Requirements

    The following user privileges are required for installing and running Toad for MySQL.

    • Only Power .users and Administrators can install Toad for MySQL.
    • If a Power user installs Toad for MySQL, a Restricted user can run the application but cannot see the Toad shortcut icon on the desktop or the Toad menu option in the Windows Start menu. As a workaround, Restricted users can create a shortcut to the application and place it on their desktop from the install directory.
    • If an Administrator installs Toad for MySQL, the Administrator can share the Toad for MySQL shortcut icon on the desktop and the Toad menu option in the Windows Start menu with any user on the computer.
    • To run Toad for MySQL, the .NET security policy must be set to Unrestricted. To modify the security policy:

      1. Select Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.
      2. Double-click Administrative Tools.
      3. Double-click Microsoft .NET Framework version Configuration.
      4. Select My Computer, and then select the Runtime Security Policy node.
      5. Select Evaluate Assembly from the list of tasks in the right panel, and locate and select Toad.exe in the File field.
      6. Click Next and set the permission to Unrestricted.
    • To create or modify the DellSoftware.ToadSecurity table to enable Toad for MySQLSecurity, the user who maintains this table must have privileges to create, insert, update, and delete it. All other users need only the ability to read the DellSoftware.ToadSecurity table to use Toad for MySQLSecurity features.

    Product Licensing

    This product does not require licensing.

    Global Operations

    This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.

    This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. It supports simultaneous operation with multilingual data. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.

    This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: No known limitations.

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    Getting Started

    Contents of the Release Package

    The Toad™ for MySQL release package contains the following products:

    1. Toad for MySQL 7.3
    2. Product Documentation, including:
      • Installation Guide
      • Online Help
      • Release Notes

    Installation Instructions

    For installation instructions, see the "Toad™ for MySQL Installation Guide" found on the Community site,

    For More Information

    Get the latest product information, find helpful resources, and join a discussion with the Toad for MySQL team and other community members. Join the Toad for MySQL Community at

    Contact Dell

    Dell listens to customers and delivers worldwide innovative technology, business solutions and services they trust and value. For more information, visit

    Technical Support:
    Online support

    Product Questions and Sales:
    (800) 306-9329


    Technical Support Resources

    Please be advised before installing: Toad for MySQL is an official Dell Software Inc. Freeware Product. This license does not entitle Licensee to receive technical support from Dell .

    Get the latest product information and find helpful resources at the Toad for MySQL Community at

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    © 2014 Dell Inc.

    This guide contains proprietary information protected by copyright. The software described in this guide is furnished under a software license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the applicable agreement. No part of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use without the written permission of Dell Inc.

    The information in this document is provided in connection with Dell products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Dell products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED IN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THIS PRODUCT, DELL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL DELL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF DELL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Dell makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Dell does not make any commitment to update the information contained in this document.

    If you have any questions regarding your potential use of this material, contact:

    Dell Inc.
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    5 Polaris Way
    Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

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    Dell, the Dell logo, Quest, SQL Navigator, vWorkspace, and Toad are trademarks of Dell Inc. and/or its affiliates. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.

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