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Download Toad for DB2 7.4.1 2022 R2 Editions MSI Archive (zip)


The MSI installation option is intended to be used by administrators for special installation cases (e.g. silent install, repackaging, etc).

This installer may be used for the following:

- Toad for DB2 7.4.1 (Professional, Xpert, and DB Admin Module optional add-on)
- Benchmark Factory
- SQL Optimizer for DB2 (LUW and z/OS)
- Spotlight On DB2
- Toad Data Modeler

- This bundle includes both 32bit and 64bit version.
- Toad for DB2 32-bit version should be used with SQL Optimizer (a 32-bit application) for seamless integration.
- Your license key determines the edition and will enable Toad for DB2 functionality accordingly. When Toad is running, you can see which components are licensed by selecting Help | About.

Pour vous assurer de l’intégrité de votre téléchargement, vérifiez la valeur de somme de contrôle.
SHA256: 3d38f34feceffc75b131548dcba600e5b88028bd26d581e51d55b5a193338858